Karen Cushman

Karen Cushman

Newbery award-winning children’s book author

Karen Cushman

Favorite museums, part one

In that same interview that asked me about favorite fantasy novels, I was also asked to share my favorite museums. I chose ten of them. Here’s the first, although these aren’t in any set order.

The Story Museum, Oxford: A museum with exhibitions, activities, and programs dedicated to stories and storytelling. I am actually cheating here. I’ve never been but after following them on Facebook, I long to go.

For instance, here’s an article about this wonderful exhibit “Animal: a safari through stories” currently featured at the Story Museum. “It’s time we gave wolves their bite back, says author Geraldine McCaughrean, and a new exhibition does just that. Bring your axe, Little Red Riding Hood…”

NCTE in Boston, Day Two

Signing books for Millard Fillmore School

I signed books at the Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH) booth, including one for the students at Millard Fillmore School. You can see Millard himself hanging out behind us.






Martinez Roser

Afterwards I celebrated with my panel folks: Kirby Larson and Barbara O’Connor and (pictured, left) our panel moderators, Miriam Martinez of UT San Antonio, and Nancy Roser of UT Austin. Miriam and Nancy did an amazing job of turning our vague mutterings about “place” and “world building” from a couple of years ago into Thursday’s multi-media panel. Thank you.



David Wiesner and Dinah StevensonThen followed a dinner given by HMH with a number of teachers, writers, and professors. At right are Dinah Stevenson, who has been my beloved editor for 20 years, and David Wiesner, the picture book king. We were at dinner for 5 (!) hours and enjoyed every minute.

NCTE in Boston, Day One

teachers at NCTE panel

Our panel, “Constructing and Inhabiting Story Worlds,” drew a room full of fabulous, interested teachers.

Barbara O'Connor

Barbara O’Connor spoke after me, and she was, as always, splendid.

Kirby Larson

And so was Kirby Larson, who gave us a taste of her brand new book, Duke.

Southern Oregon

South Oregon vineyardsWe just returned from visiting my brother and his wife who live near Ashland, Oregon. They drove us to see magnificent vineyards ringed by mountains.

And we went to the animal shelter where he volunteers (a lot) to see the dogs waiting and waiting for someone to take them home.

If you can have a dog, please consider adopting one from a shelter. They need us and are so grateful.

Shelter dogThis is how my lovely brother closes every email:  

It came to me that every time I lose a dog; they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog that comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and maybe I will become as generous and loving as they are.” 



I’m no Ansel Adams

Writers at Oregon SCBWIHere’s a crummy picture of an amazing group of writers at the Oregon SCBWI conference in Portland last weekend. All 201 of them were full of questions, ideas, and enthusiasm, and they welcomed me most warmly. I hope their passion is contagious as I once again dig into the draft of my new book.

What’s Gnu?

Minnesota in AprilPhilip and I were just in Minnesota where I spoke at the Spotlight on Books Conference. Here’s a view out our window of April in northern Minnesota. The conference was fun and the snow was lovely.

Afterwards we were driven to Minneapolis where the splendid Margi Preus (Heart of a Samurai and Shadow on the Mountain) invited us to sit at her table with Steve and Vicki Palmquist of the Children’s Literature Network for the Minnesota Book Awards gala. Here we are, looking a little weary after a loooong day but having a great time.