I just spent the morning with the prickly, feisty, outspoken, altogether splendid Georgie Burkhardt of Amy Timberlake’s terrific new novel, One Came Home. The book is an adventure, a mystery, and a love song to the natural world. I didn’t get out of bed until I had finished the delicious last page: I say let all the earth be alive and overwhelmingly so…Let me feel how I bump up against every other living thing on this earth. Let me learn to spin. Run out and read it. Right now.
Woman at Work
Here’s my daughter with her favorite co-worker, Winston. Leah really wants her own dog but can’t get one because, Murphy, her 19-year-old, 5-pound cat, would terrorize it. I thought I’d share this photo because Leah has a picture taken about every ten years so it will be a looong time before you see another one.
Curl Up and Read
2013 has already brought me a nice surprise: the ARC of Hattie Ever After, the sequel to Kirby Larson’s beloved Hattie Big Sky. I dropped everything and read it in two days. I love that Hattie is in San Francisco, that she has two suitors, that she flies high above the city in a plane. There are twists and surprises, a nasty villain, and the possibility of Hattie’s dreams coming true. Hattie is a remarkable young woman, and Kirby Larson is a remarkable writer. Do yourself a favor and pre-order the book now. It will be out February 12, just in time for Valentine’s Day.
Reviewed in the NYTimes

What a lovely treat to find this review of Will Sparrow’s Road in The New York Times on December 14th.
Thank you, Michael Sims, for your perceptions about Will and the world in which he lives.
Virtual Travel
Starting Monday, December 17, I will be on blog tour. It’s my favorite kind of travel, accomplished from this big chair in my living room. The first stop is Kirby’s Lane, home of my good friend and splendid writer, Kirby Larson). Stop by and see what we have to say.
She will lead you to subsequent stops. No ticket required. And no security screening.
In California
I am on a book tour for Will Sparrow’s Road in Los Angeles. eating my way through town. Yesterday I had a three hour lunch with the delightful Lin Oliver of SCBWI. We were so busy talking that I never got around to taking a photo. And last night Sharon Hearne of the amazing Children’s Book World organized a dinner for me and fourteen teachers, school librarians, and a few other equally interesting folk. We talked books, students, teaching, and the future. I am always awed by the knowledge, dedication, and passion these people bring to their jobs. And I learn so much. Now I am off to speak to 285 7th-graders in Rancho Cucamonga. Really. Stay tuned.
Thank you, Vashon
Here’s a small portion of the terrific crowd that turned up for the Will Sparrow’s Road launch last Friday. I couldn’t get them all in one photo but I saw lots of friends, several other writers, and many young people. We all talked and then had snacks. Thanks to Nancy and Morgan and the Vashon Bookshop for a great event.
Thank you, PW
Will Sparrow’s Road is out today, and Publisher’s Weekly has given it a starred review plus named it one of the Best Books of 2012. I suggest you get a copy and see for yourself.
If you are lucky enough to live on Vashon Island, come join me at Vashon Bookshop, Friday, November 9, at 6 PM. There will be snacks.
“Autumn…the year’s last, loveliest smile.” ― William Cullen Bryant
October has come and mostly gone here in the northwest but it wasn’t exactly what I expected. I tore a ligament in my right knee and had to cancel long-anticipated events in DC, Texas, and California. I’m mightily disappointed but as I sit here watching leaves turn color against the grey sky, I am grateful for the beauty of the season, the kind understanding of everyone I let down, and the fact that it could have been much worse. Pretty mature, huh? If I live another 70 years, I might even become wise.