Karen Cushman

Karen Cushman

Newbery award-winning children’s book author

Karen Cushman

Barbara O’Connor

Barbara O'Connor

Writing a Book with a Strong Sense of Location or Place

Karen Cushman asked Barbara O’Connor, “My newest book, War and Millie McGonigle, started with a place: South Mission Beach, San Diego, where my husband grew up. You, too, have written books set in a place alive and rich. Will you share some insights into place in your story, Wish?”

Blue Ridge Mountains

Q: Did you choose the setting first, before characters and plot? Did the story grow from the place or did the place grow from the story?

O’Connor: The story grew from the place. That’s the first time that has ever happened for me. I always set my stories in the South and that setting is always ever present. But those beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains are particularly special to me. I knew that’s where my story would be set … even before I had a story.

Q: How/where did you find the details that brought your place to life?

O’Connor: I grew up near the Blue Ridge and Smokey Mountains and spent a lot of time there. I went to summer camp in those mountains as a child. I remember so vividly the cool nights, the smoky haze in the mornings, the ferns and moss … all of it. After college, I moved far away, first to California, then to Boston. Seven years ago, I returned to those mountains so my memories have become my reality.

Q: Did the place enrich the story, or did it create limitations? Did you have to change details about the place?

O’Connor: Yes, I think the place enriched the story … and, no limitations. I didn’t change any details about the place. I confess I did have to research to find the names of some of the trees and shrubs, but everything stayed true to my experience.

Q: What would you like us to know about the place you chose for your book?

O’Connor: I’d like you to know that these glorious mountains are beautiful and lush and good for your soul. You can find waterfalls and ferns and blackberries and black bears and maybe a stray dog. (Reference to Wish … so you’ll have to read the book. haha)


Thank you to Barbara O’Connor for bringing us closer to the Blue Ridge and Smokey Mountains.

Barbara O'Connor
Barbara O’Connor, author

Learn more about Barbara O’Connor.

Learn more about Wish, including a video interview with Barbara.

Thoughtful Nerds

Catherine, Called BirdyI hope you’ll share my delight at the gift of words from librarians, authors, and poets who are helping me celebrate the 20th anniversary of Catherine, Called Birdy. Thanks to everyone who contributed (librarians Edie Ching and Peggy Jackson, poet Julie Larios, authors Gennifer Choldenko, Barbara O’Connor, Augusta Scattergood, and Caroline Starr Rose), to the Nerdy Book Club, and to Kirby Larson who rallied them all together.

NCTE in Boston, Day Two

Signing books for Millard Fillmore School

I signed books at the Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH) booth, including one for the students at Millard Fillmore School. You can see Millard himself hanging out behind us.






Martinez Roser

Afterwards I celebrated with my panel folks: Kirby Larson and Barbara O’Connor and (pictured, left) our panel moderators, Miriam Martinez of UT San Antonio, and Nancy Roser of UT Austin. Miriam and Nancy did an amazing job of turning our vague mutterings about “place” and “world building” from a couple of years ago into Thursday’s multi-media panel. Thank you.



David Wiesner and Dinah StevensonThen followed a dinner given by HMH with a number of teachers, writers, and professors. At right are Dinah Stevenson, who has been my beloved editor for 20 years, and David Wiesner, the picture book king. We were at dinner for 5 (!) hours and enjoyed every minute.

NCTE in Boston, Day One

teachers at NCTE panel

Our panel, “Constructing and Inhabiting Story Worlds,” drew a room full of fabulous, interested teachers.

Barbara O'Connor

Barbara O’Connor spoke after me, and she was, as always, splendid.

Kirby Larson

And so was Kirby Larson, who gave us a taste of her brand new book, Duke.