My husband thinks chicken is one of the basic food groups so we generally make chicken for any special occasion, including Hanukah. Chicken this way is very nice on a cold, dark, winter’s evening. And it’s easy.

Baked Chicken with Dried Fruit
3/4 cup chopped dried apricots
3/4 cup dried blueberries or cranberries
3/4 cup pitted prunes, chopped
1 teaspoon mustard (I use a little Dijon and a little German)
2/3 cup orange juice (more if needed at the end to make sauce)
1/2 cup cider vinegar
8 chicken thighs (my own favorite) or a chicken, cut into 8 pieces
Salt and pepper
In a saucepan, combine fruit, mustard, juice and vinegar. Cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until mixture is thick, about 5 minutes.
Season chicken with salt, pepper, garlic, thyme or whatever looks good, and place in baking pan. Pour fruit mixture over and around chicken.
Bake at 375 for 40 minutes to one hour, depending on your oven and the size of the chicken pieces.