Karen Cushman

Karen Cushman

Newbery award-winning children’s book author

Karen Cushman

Kirby Larson

Kirby Larson

Writing a Book with a Strong Sense of Location or Place

Karen Cushman asked Kirby Larson, “My newest book, War and Millie McGonigle, started with a place: South Mission Beach, San Diego, where my husband grew up. You, too, have written books set in a place alive and rich. Will you share some insights into place in your story, Hattie Big Sky?”

Eastern Montana (photo: Carol Highsmith, public domain, Wikimedia Commons)

Q: Did you choose the setting first, before characters and plot? Did the story grow from the place or did the place grow from the story?

Larson: The setting grew out of an event that captured my imagination, which was my great-grandmother homesteading by herself in eastern Montana shortly before WWI. The homestead was near Vida, Montana which is where the story takes place.

Q: How/where did you find the details that brought your place to life?

Larson: I began researching the story in 2000, and it was not as easy to access digitized information at that time. I relied on sites like USGenWeb, and any other place I could scrounge up old photos or maps. I am completely indebted to the many historical societies which published early homesteaders’ journals. These diaries provided rich details, including two in particular that ended up in the novel: the incident where Hattie “baptizes” her chicken, and the incident where a hungry wolf chomps off Violet’s tail (she’s Hattie’s “contemptible” cow). At some point in the research project, I bought a $99 Amtrak ticket to Wolf Point, Montana so I could see/smell/experience the place for myself. I was able to locate the site of my great-grandmother’s homestead, as well as unearthing other fabulous details while spending three days in the smoky “morgue” of the Wolf Point Herald newspaper office.

Q: Did the place enrich the story, or did it create limitations? Did you have to change details about the place?

Larson: The place completely enriched and informed the story, along with setting boundaries I was required to work within. One small example: the first draft of the cover showed a charming split rail fence, something that was non-existent in eastern (treeless) Montana. Hattie’s claim was a good distance from town so I had to figure out feasible ways to get her to and fro, without slowing the story down. I did not change any details about the place. Thankfully, my research uncovered maps and photos of the town and of some of the homesteads so I had those to help build the stage for Hattie’s story.  

Q: What would you like us to know about the place you chose for your book?

Larson: Put Yellowstone out of your mind! Eastern Montana is flat, flat, flat, with tiny little cacti snuggled in with the prairie grasses — imagine walking on those barefoot as many homesteaders did all summer. 


Thank you to Kirby Larson for this look at Eastern Montana and Hattie’s homestead.

Kirby Larson
Kirby Larson, author

Learn more about Kirby Larson.

Thoughtful Nerds

Catherine, Called BirdyI hope you’ll share my delight at the gift of words from librarians, authors, and poets who are helping me celebrate the 20th anniversary of Catherine, Called Birdy. Thanks to everyone who contributed (librarians Edie Ching and Peggy Jackson, poet Julie Larios, authors Gennifer Choldenko, Barbara O’Connor, Augusta Scattergood, and Caroline Starr Rose), to the Nerdy Book Club, and to Kirby Larson who rallied them all together.

NCTE in Boston, Day Two

Signing books for Millard Fillmore School

I signed books at the Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH) booth, including one for the students at Millard Fillmore School. You can see Millard himself hanging out behind us.






Martinez Roser

Afterwards I celebrated with my panel folks: Kirby Larson and Barbara O’Connor and (pictured, left) our panel moderators, Miriam Martinez of UT San Antonio, and Nancy Roser of UT Austin. Miriam and Nancy did an amazing job of turning our vague mutterings about “place” and “world building” from a couple of years ago into Thursday’s multi-media panel. Thank you.



David Wiesner and Dinah StevensonThen followed a dinner given by HMH with a number of teachers, writers, and professors. At right are Dinah Stevenson, who has been my beloved editor for 20 years, and David Wiesner, the picture book king. We were at dinner for 5 (!) hours and enjoyed every minute.

NCTE in Boston, Day One

teachers at NCTE panel

Our panel, “Constructing and Inhabiting Story Worlds,” drew a room full of fabulous, interested teachers.

Barbara O'Connor

Barbara O’Connor spoke after me, and she was, as always, splendid.

Kirby Larson

And so was Kirby Larson, who gave us a taste of her brand new book, Duke.

Virtual Travel

ChairStarting Monday, December 17, I will be on blog tour. It’s my favorite kind of travel, accomplished from this big chair in my living room. The first stop is Kirby’s Lane, home of my good friend and splendid writer, Kirby Larson). Stop by and see what we have to say. 

She will lead you to subsequent stops. No ticket required. And no security screening. 

I Can See Canada from My House

Counting the StarsActually from Kirby Larson‘s house. Actually from Kirby Larson’s beach house. Phil and I spent Friday there watching the sun set and enjoying the company of Kirby and her husband Neil, Nancy Roser of the University of Texas, and Miriam Martinez, also of that institution. We were cooking up a panel for the NCTE 2012 conference. Something to do with world building in fiction and poetry. Watch this space for updates. Now I will sit and stare at this photo and remember how we counted the stars.