Karen Cushman

Karen Cushman

Newbery award-winning children’s book author

Karen Cushman

This Thanksgiving

In this troubled and troubling world, I am amazed at how much I have to be thankful for, starting with these two beloved people here,

Philip and Leah, Portland, 1973
Philip and Leah, Portland, 1973

Thank you to my readers, who make it possible for me to continue in this impossibly difficult, impossibly rewarding profession.

I hope your Thanksgiving is joyous and meaningful.

What’s Gnu?

Minnesota in AprilPhilip and I were just in Minnesota where I spoke at the Spotlight on Books Conference. Here’s a view out our window of April in northern Minnesota. The conference was fun and the snow was lovely.

Afterwards we were driven to Minneapolis where the splendid Margi Preus (Heart of a Samurai and Shadow on the Mountain) invited us to sit at her table with Steve and Vicki Palmquist of the Children’s Literature Network for the Minnesota Book Awards gala. Here we are, looking a little weary after a loooong day but having a great time.